Online tee times are now available at Squaw Creek Golf Course. To register to book tee times at Squaw Creek Golf Course, all registrants agree to and understand the terms and conditions for use of the Online Booking System.
Squaw Creek Golf Course, a semi-private facility, welcomes you to come and enjoy our beautiful course. We are a part of the Corporate Employees Recreation Association (CERA) made up of Associate organizations whose employees enjoy discounted rates at our facility. A complete list of the Associate organizations and information about the Associate Program is available on the CERA web site.
As a new registrant, you will be in our system with undiscounted rates for golf and can book tee times up to 7 days in advance.
If you are an employee of one of our Associate organizations, bring proof of employment (employee badge, retiree ID, etc.) to the pro shop and we will update your account so that you will receive the discounted Associate rates.
If you book a tee time for others in your playing group, those in the group that do not qualify for the discounted rate will be charged the undiscounted rate.
Annual memberships are available for both golf and our first-class practice area. Ask in the Pro Shop for details.
If you have any questions about booking an online tee time, contact the proshop at: 817-441-8185
If your company is interested in becoming an associate, learn about Squaw Creek's Associate Member Program, which is open to area companies and includes reduced prices on green fees.
Chris McQuatters
Director of Golf, Squaw Creek Golf Course
PGA Professional